
Brand manual for Tradify.


Art direction



Tradify, a SaaS service for tradespeople, faced scattered branding and a lackluster website. The aim here was to create consistency in looks and messaging and to establish clear brand guidelines and a toolkit for uniformity.

Tradify, a SaaS service designed for tradespeople, was struggling with scattered branding and a lackluster website that failed to effectively communicate its value proposition. The inconsistent visual identity and messaging diluted the brand’s impact, making it difficult for potential customers to connect with and trust the service.


The task was to create a unified brand identity and revamp the website to ensure consistency in both looks and messaging. This involved developing clear brand guidelines and a comprehensive toolkit that would standardize the brand’s presentation across all touchpoints, enhancing its overall appeal and effectiveness.


I began by conducting a thorough analysis of Tradify’s existing branding and website, identifying key areas where consistency was lacking. Working closely with stakeholders, I developed a set of brand guidelines that defined the visual identity, including typography, color schemes, imagery, and tone of voice. This toolkit served as a foundation for all future branding efforts, ensuring uniformity across marketing materials, digital platforms, and customer communications.


The brand overhaul and website redesign successfully transformed Tradify’s online presence. The new brand guidelines provided a clear and consistent framework that unified all aspects of the brand, from marketing materials to customer interactions.  As a result, Tradify now presents a strong, professional identity that resonates with its target audience, positioning the brand for future growth and success.

New Zealand

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