
Designed to make discovering nearby dining options an engaging and delightful experience.

UX + UI Lead 


Gamified food discovery.

In a role encompassing the entire creative process, I led the development of the UI/UX for the Guts’d app. This innovative platform was designed to make discovering nearby dining options an engaging and delightful experience. The project’s aim was to create an app that not only facilitated food exploration but also incorporated gamification elements, infusing fun and immersion into the user journey.

Approach: The journey commenced with a deep understanding of the user’s needs and a vision for creating an app that redefined dining exploration. I led the development of the UI/UX, ensuring every interaction was designed to captivate users. This process involved planning user journeys, creating high-fidelity wireframes, and translating them into a vibrant UI design.

Challenges & Solutions:

  1. Dining Discovery: Crafting a unique dining discovery experience required innovative thinking. We introduced a gamified approach, encouraging users to explore new dining options while earning rewards and enjoying a sense of adventure.

  2. Data Integration: Seamlessly integrating data to provide users with real-time dining information was paramount. We implemented a clever data strategy that ensured users received accurate and up-to-date restaurant details.

  3. User-Centric Design: Ensuring the app was user-centric and easy to navigate was crucial. We conducted user testing and refined the UI to create an intuitive platform that users could effortlessly navigate.

Outcome: The Guts’d mobile app successfully redefined dining exploration. Users can now discover nearby dining options in an engaging and delightful way, all while enjoying the gamified elements that add a layer of fun and immersion. By planning user journeys, creating high-fidelity wireframes, and designing a vibrant and user-centric UI, we’ve created an innovative platform that brings the joy of dining discovery to users’ fingertips.

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Or give me a buzz on +64 22 065 1240